Consolata Guild
1965 -United in Mission- 2015 | Through Prayer, Fundraising, and Fellowship
The Consolata Missionary Sisters have been in the USA since February 2, 1954, when they arrived at Our Lady of Sorrows in Grand Rapids in response to a request presented by Bishop Francis Haas to the General Leadership of the Institute. They belong to a Congregation founded in Turin, Italy, by Blessed Joseph Allamano on January 29, 1910. Their Center in North America is at 6801 Belmont Avenue,
Belmont, Michigan.
In the summer of 1958, the Consolata Missionary Sisters were welcomed by Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish and its Pastor, Msgr. Joseph Podhajski. They staffed the new Assumption School and continued to do so for many years.
The purpose of the Consolata Sisters, as well as of the Consolata Priests and Brothers, is to fulfill the command of Jesus: “Go and proclaim the Good News to all nations.” The Sisters are presently
committed to this goal by ministering in several countries in Africa, Europe, South America, Asia and in the United States.
Blessed Joseph Allamano wanted the Consolata Sisters to be women consecrated to God for the evangelization of the world. They are serving as catechists, nurses, teachers, social workers and, where there is no priest, they can be responsible for religious services in parishes.
In the United States the Sisters are presently active in the Dioceses of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Birmingham, Alabama, and Phoenix, Arizona. Here are some of their assignments: In Michigan, Provincial Offices; Mission/Vocation Promotion; Stephen Ministries, Coordination of the RCIA/RCIC and Baptismal Classes at Assumption, Belmont; Teaching at Our Lady of Consolation, Rockford; Regional Coordination of the Hispanic Ministry for the Diocese of Grand Rapids; Religious Education Classes in parishes. In Alabama, Social Work at the Catholic Center of Concern in Birmingham and Consolata Missionary Apostolate in Eutaw; In Arizona, Ministry with Native Americans in Sacaton.
The Consolata Guild was formed in 1965 to help and support the mission of evangelization of
the Consolata Missionary Sisters. Its members have the opportunity to grow in the awareness and
practice of their Christian vocation in its missionary dimension. It meets monthly on the third Tuesday at the Center House, 6801 Belmont Avenue, at 7:00 p.m. Come and join us!
Consolata Missionary Sisters Guild
Calendar 2015
February 16: Feast Day of Blessed Joseph Allamano
March 17: Memorial Mass for Sister Gianna Vaudano, Passed 2-5-2015 in Italy
Meeting – United in Mission” – 50 Years
Mass at 7:00 PM; Central House
Installation of Officers
Start of Meat Sale
Chairman: Aggie Zemke; 363-2979
March 20: Stations of the Cross
Assumption Parish; 7:00 p.m.
Chairman: Mary Gelderbloom
March 25: Lenten Retreat
Center House; 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
April 21: Meeting
Central House; 7:00 p.m.
Spring Social & Recognition of Presidents
*Everyone brings food!
April 26: World Day of Prayer for Vocations
May 19: Meat Sale
Pick up at Assumption Church basement hallway; 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
May 19: Meeting
Central House; 7:00 p.m.
Bring-a-friend – Month of Mary
Rosary – Bring Flowers – Crowning of Mary
May 23: Beautification of Sr. Irene Stefani in Nyeri, Kenya
May 22 – June 13: Parade of Homes
Chairman: Sarah Mazgalis; 784-1184
June 16: Meeting – Consolata Sisters’ Feast Day Celebration
7:00 PM: Mass with reception following at Assumption of BVM Church; Everyone brings food.
July 21: Guild Picnic
Assumption of the BVM Activity Center; 6:00 PM
*Bring a dish to pass
50th Anniversary Celebration of the Consolata Guild (Started 1965)
September 12: Rockford Farm Market
8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Chairman: Mary Osborne; 696-3714
September 15: Meeting
Central House; 7:00 PM
Fall Kickoff of Events
TBA Parade of Homes
Chairman: Sarah Mazgalis; 784-1884
October 4: Bowling Fundraiser
Westgate Bowling Lanes; 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Chairman: Mary Gelderbloom, 866-0525
October 20: Meeting
Central House; 7:00 p.m.
New Officer’s Slate to be Announced:
Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer
Mission Month & Sister’s Christmas Cards
November 17: Meeting
Central House Chapel; 7:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass:
For the Living and Deceased Members of the Consolata Guild
Election of Officers:
Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer
Name drawing for Sister’s Gifts
November 21: Bazaar
Our Lady of Consolation, Rockford; 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
*Need volunteers for booth
December 6: Christmas Party: Potluck
Assumption of the BVM Activity Center; 2:00 p.m.
Quilt Raffle Drawing
December 9: Advent Retreat
Center House; 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Board of Directors 2015
Connie Kowalski
Cell: 862-4606 | Home: 784-5339
Vice President
Mandy McGregor
Cell: 818-9214 | Home: 866-0384
Recording Secretary
Nancy Platt
Corresponding Secretary
Sue Sullivan
Mary Osborne
Cell: 340-4713 | Home: 696-3714
Immediate Past President
Sue Arends
Communications Tech
Stephanie Peck
Consolata Sisters
Sr. Zelita Bragagnolo
Throughout the World
United States