Consolata Lay Missionaries
The Lay Faithful are all called to share in the Mission of the Church
They will announce My glory To the nations. Is. 66:19
We, CONSOLATA LAY MISSIONARIES, are committed Christians of different backgrounds, ages, and professions journeying towards the sharing in the CHARISM of the FOUNDER of the Consolata Missionaries: Blessed Joseph Allamano.
We live our life “among the people”, and “with the people”, animated by a missionary spirit, attentive to the “least” among us, certain that the example of the “good done well, quietly” – in the words of Joseph Allamano—has the power to draw us and others to Christ. This is the way that we live our mission mandate “ad gentes” (to the nations).
The universal vocation to holiness is strictly connected to the universal vocation to mission: every Christian is called to holiness and mission.” RM 90

We are rooted in the Word of God
We are committed to become contemplatives in action by:
- Cultivating a spirit of prayer and peace- making.
- Celebrating and living the Eucharist in a spirit of service.
- Living from the Center of the Divine Presence within us.
We are open to a process of on-going missionary formation as we:
- Journey with the Consolata Missionary Sisters in order to come to know, experience, appreciate, discern the call, and embrace the Consolata Charism of Evangelization and Consolation.
- Grow in our Christian vocation with the missionary spirit that inspired Joseph Allamano and shaped the life and mission of countless missionaries.
- Develop a special love for Mary, the Mother of Jesus, under the title of “Consolata”.
- Acquire a new awareness of our place and role, today, in Christ’s universal mission to the world.
We strive to live the Consolata Charism in our daily life as we are:
- Inspired by the experience of Christ, the true Consolation of God for all peoples.
- Inspired by Mary Consolata who put her life at the service of the Gospel.
- Share the Gospel of Consolation in one’s own concrete life situation.
We are attentive and responsive to the “least” among us.
By being responsive to the cry of the needy, the marginalized, the victims of violence and injustice, the neglected—whether children, youth, aged, or ill– in our midst.
We witness our Christian-Charismatic call
- By sharing the gift of Consolation we have received with all those we encounter on the paths of daily life and work.
- By being courageous in affirming the Gospel of Life, Justice, and Peace in our family life, in the work place, and in the faith community of our Church.
We collaborate with the Consolata Mis-sionary Sisters and IMC.
- By sharing the same Charism, creating times of common reflection, prayer, and celebration, and fostering a spirit of communion among individuals and groups.
- By engaging in common initiatives and functions according to the times and possibilities.
We participate in the life and ministries of the Local Church as CLM
- By being present and visible within the local faith community at worship and at work and by fostering a missionary vision of the Church.
- By establishing and cultivating good inter-personal relationships as paths of Evangelizing and Consolation today.
Why Do We Exist?
In the concept Church—Communion, which is an aspect of the new evangelization, it is necessary that the laity occupy the place which has been reserved for them, and from us, the Consolata Sisters, it is request-ed that we be a support for the laity as they incarnate the Charism in their own lives and where they are called to transform the structures, so that the Reign of justice, peace and fraternity may come into the whole world.
(Report of the General Superior: “ 1999 Chapter )
“One Family around the Charism, that drinks from the same Fountain of life, one Family in which there is equality and not dependence in a relationship of appreciation and recip-rocal trust, a Family in which members are called to live and incarnate,according to one specific vocation, the face and heart of the Missionary Son called to be a presence and witness of the love of God who consoles His people.”
(Acts of the Chapter pg. 61)